Boxing | The Queen of Martial Arts!
Several articles have been written listing the benefits of training in the sport of Boxing and comparison articles with other martial arts. None of this ever covered me. They have always remained on the surface and this is not a way to describe an art with such depth and quality. But is it the top fighting sport?
Strong boxing blows
Η Boxing is a sport of balance. The boxer must train in such a way that he does not lose his temper in any of the areas in which he trains, because this always leads him to an imbalance with bad results. This is immediately apparent in the mirror called fight.
Common mistakes in boxing defenses
Boxing is a sport of technique and tactics. It requires athletes to collect a lot of individual characteristics at a high level in order to meet the requirements of the sport.
Boxing Training
A boxing training program should focus on reaction strength, endurance strength, muscle endurance, anaerobic endurance, and aerobic endurance. Its uniqueness Boxing lies in the fact that, unlike most team and individual sports, competitions are limited during the year.
Fighting sports are not violent | Are we kidding ourselves?
Whoever you ask from the field of combat sports - martial arts will let you know that his art is anything but promoting violence. What is done in the ring or on the tatami has nothing to do with what can be done on the street and that the people involved in these sports are very peaceful.
Boxing | How to deal with a left handed opponent (Southpaw)
As an upside down fighting stance in Boxing we report the attitude of the left-handed boxer. The reason is that he has his left hand behind as opposed to his right hand in front of him. The posture, however, is characterized by the front hand.
Mayweather Vs McGregor | What else will we hear?
On the occasion of the upcoming match of Floyd Mayweather Jr. with Conor McGregor, has become a bad omen of articles, comments and statements from "relevant" and "irrelevant" trying to either predict the result by "weighing" data such as age, weight, strength, inactivity etc. or waiting through the result to see the size of one sport relative to the other.
Professional Boxing | How each round is scored.
Boxing has taken the place it deserves, in the consciousness of the Greek public in recent years and this is growing. But the audience it deserves is special, because the sport itself has many peculiarities and not many can understand and really love it.
Canelo Álvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
All boxing people are looking forward to this fight. It is an ambiguous match and there is no safe prediction, unlike its boxing show two weeks ago Floyd Mayweather Jr. με τον Conor McGregor.
Mayweather Vs McGregor | In conclusion… 2/2
Let's now analyze all the unprecedented and scary extracurriculars, played before and after the game, wishing I was not the only one who sounds so dumb to his ears. And I explain.
Mayweather Vs McGregor | In conclusion… 1/2
In my last article on match analysis «Mayweather Vs McGregor», I had written that this particular race has nothing to offer us in sports knowledge, but a lot in spectacle and somehow it was like that in the end. But when I gave the subtitle "What else will we hear?" I did not expect what would follow.
Anthony Joshua vs Alexander Povetkin | Match Prediction & Analysis
In this fight we will see two of the top three boxers in the heavyweight category clash in the ring. The trio is completed by Deontay Wilder who will logically play with the winner. However, despite the huge size of the athletes (both are gold Olympians) and the global impact that this race has, here in Greece it has not made much sense. A sample of how far behind we are still as a boxing community.
Anthony Joshua vs Joseph Parker | Match analysis 2
In the end, indeed Joseph Parker turned out to be little. He seemed quite scared in the ring, as a result of which he could not find the distance that suited him and enter his opponent's game. Anthony Joshua on a mediocre night for him, won "professionally" without doing much and did not risk at any point in the fight.
Anthony Joshua vs Joseph Parker | Match analysis
Another game that will be added to a series of strong fights in its heavyweight division Boxing of recent years is this between Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker. Undoubtedly an advertisement for the sport of boxing.
Boxing as part of other martial arts.
Η Boxing is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. This is not just coincidental. In addition to the long history that follows it has a very rich technical and tactical background and a distinct culture that occupies very soon anyone who deals with it.
Knock-out (KO) Protective measures for boxer health
There has been a lot of talk lately about not protecting Boxers and athletes in general of martial arts & Combat Sports in Greece and whether the necessary measures for their health are observed. Unfortunately, this always comes after an unpleasant event that reminds us of the lack and is soon forgotten since the memory of the goldfish characterizes us as modern Greeks.
Boxing | Right counterpunch after pretense
Professional Boxers test opponents with different hits or combinations to see how they react. After observing and analyzing the reaction, they respond accordingly.
Three habits you need to develop for amateur-Olympic boxing
Learn from the London Olympian Vasyl Lomachenko, the main habits that every amateur boxer must develop and is vital to winning an amateur fight.
Psychology in boxing and martial arts 1/3
What the coach should watch out for
Psychological preparation helps the Boxer to reduce high levels of stress and allow him to avoid cerebral overstimulation (many and unmanageable thoughts) that will affect his performance in the fight.
Psychology in boxing and martial arts 2/3
Psychological preparation before the boxing match
Psychology in boxing and martial arts 3/3
Methods of psychological recovery
Building Champions - A Handbook for Boxing Coaches and Their Athletes
The challenge for boxers and coaches is to equip their athletes to become Best Boxers and the best people that can be done. These are the two sides of the same coin. Success is victory in both fields.
Questionnaire for the boxer injury
The world federation of Boxing WBC is considered the top sport federation. Thus, in all its organizational structures it must be formal and careful, as well as in handling the safety of its boxers.
Boxing is...
Η Boxing it is a way of life, it is an expression of character, it is competitive thinking and breaking boundaries. It is a daily duel with an opponent but with our main opponent being ourselves and our emotions.
Boxing - 3 Exercises to Increase Proprioception
Ownership is the sense of self. Your body has receptive receptors, which are sensors that provide information about the angle of the joints, the length and the tension in the muscles. This gives the brain subconsciously awareness of every part of the body.
Boxing Vs MMA
In recent years there has been a great deal of grief over what would happen in a match between one Boxer with an MMA athlete. Opinions differ and everyone has an opinion on the subject, usually influenced by what he does or what sport he likes.
Punch combinations in boxing
A boxing match is characterized by speed and immediacy of movements. The boxing distance does not leave time for much thought, so the preparation made by the boxer is crucial for the outcome of the fight, and the automated movements are part of it.
Boxing distance
Distance in boxing is perhaps the most important difference between a good boxer and an excellent boxer. It is an element that is difficult to teach and in itself can not be applied if it is not framed by complementary features.
Do we finally choose those we teach in martial arts schools?
There is a lot of talk lately about whether a Master should accept and teach people that he considers extreme and therefore dangerous for our society. But in order to answer this, not impulsively but substantially, we must first clarify some things.
Boxing rhythm - The music of the ring.
You will often hear coaches shout at their athletes, in games or training "catch the rhythm!". Many times, of course, they ask for it without even having taught it and of course there are very few boxers who have the talent to apply it.
Boxing fighting stance - Hands up or down?
There is a lot of talk about what is the most effective battle position for a boxer. The most orthodox boxing position with the arms up or the most open with the arms down (Mayweather type) and with constant changes in their position depending on the circumstances? Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so let's analyze them separately to clarify the landscape a bit.
Counter Punch, a great weapon
The counter punch is defined as the blow that the boxer performs at the moment of the opponent's attack. That is, with the one who is carrying out his attack, you must have already hit. This alone is not easy. It requires very good reflexes, the ability to predict its movements and perfect synchronization if you do not want to fall into the trap you set.
How to break the distance
One problem that boxers face is how to get close to the opposing boxer, that is, to "break the distance". This is quite common in beginners who complain that they can not approach without being hit. The difficulty increases sharply when we are dealing with a higher opponent so we also have the disadvantage of distance.
Vasyl Lomachenko:Boxing techniques and tricks
Watch a very informative video analysis of techniques and tricks used by Vasyl Lomachenko and proves that just by chance he is not currently one of the best boxers in the world.
Why the boxer should not be bent over
One of the main "mistakes" is the excessive bending of the boxers. This is usually due to the athlete's stress. The stressful situation created in the boxer during the fight awakens all the instincts of survival.
Tall boxers vs Short boxers
The physical characteristics of boxers are also what determine the way they fight. So their physical "qualifications" must be combined with mental and intellectual gifts that will allow them to make the most of them. Also the coach should apply such training to combine all this in an effective way for the boxer to fight.
Three exercises for better footwork of the boxer
Anyone who has really mastered boxing will tell you that the last thing we use in it is the hands. If so then what is the first? Of course it is the legs. From these begins the correct position of the battle, the transfer of power to the blows and in general any movement of the boxer in the ring. Therefore, great emphasis should be given by coaches and athletes to good footwork in training.
Straight punch - the technique of hitting
Directs are the most basic boxing blows. They occupy 50% - 80% of the total strikes performed by a boxer in the fight depending on his style and physical characteristics. The left direct (jab) also has approximately the same ratio in relation to the right.
Uppercut - the technique of hitting
In the first lessons you will see the advanced ones and you will feel strange… Why is it not going well for you, what is wrong? And yet for the uppercut the best doctor is time and patience. Below the experienced boxing teacher of Fight Academy, Vasilis Oikonomou gives us some tips to achieve it properly.
Hook - the technique of hitting
We consulted the opinion of the experienced coach Vassilis Oikonomou on how one can achieve the ideal hook in boxing. Some tips and some mistakes that you should avoid, can make your hook… hard-core.
Shadowboxing for boxers and other martial arts
The boxer must simulate all these feelings and thoughts he has in a fight. This gives him the luxury of working on techniques on a mentally constructed opponent, without having the "cost" of hitting a real one, working on techniques that in realistic conditions would be very difficult for him to apply, offering him valuable familiarity.
The ethics of boxing
Boxing by its nature contains great moral elements that even when not mentioned by the coaches many times, manage to pass on to the athlete as a special culture.
Can you change the fighting stance in the ring?
Traditionally, coaches have told their students not to change battle positions during a match. The issue, however, is not whether we can do it, but whether we should. After all, this sport is not dance or gymnastics, so no judge will judge you because you did not stay in a battle position. However, switching positions is a high risk, but also a potentially high reward move, as it can knock down the opponent.
Boxing - why do your hands tremble after training?
Η πυγμαχία είναι ένα έντονο άθλημα που δημιουργεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό αερόβια άσκηση και στρες στο σώμα. Με κάθε γροθιά ή άλλη κίνηση, απαιτείται πολλή δουλειά απ’ τους μυς, ειδικά στα χέρια. Ως αποτέλεσμα, μπορεί να παρατηρήσετε ότι τα χέρια σας τρέμουν μετά από έναν αγώνα ή μια προπόνηση. Αυτό το τρέμουλο μπορεί να αποδοθεί σε διάφορους παράγοντες.
Five offensive boxing tactics
For those who do not know the sport of boxing, watching a boxing match seems incomprehensible. Still others, especially in the field of martial arts or systems (basically theoretical) think that boxing is a sport limited to six basic hits, so probably the wildest, strongest or lucky one usually wins.
The muscles that boxing strengthens
Throwing a fist is a series of complex movements that start from the legs and end at the joints with the achievement of a goal. Boxing uses every muscle in the body, but some are more active than others. The most active muscles are the ones that will become stronger as a result of frequent boxing workouts.
Exercises for strong, fast and explosive blows !!! 3/3
How to develop speed and explosiveness in martial arts and martial arts. Part 3 How to Get Explosive and Fast Legs.
In the third part of this article we will see how you will get explosive legs that will make you faster in the ring and will help you tremendously in the throws if you are a wrestler or an MMA athlete.
Exercises for strong, fast and explosive blows !!! 2/3
How to develop speed and explosiveness in martial arts and martial arts. Part 2 How to Get Explosive and Fast Legs.
In the first part of this article we saw that in order to develop one's explosiveness one needs to develop in order:
Absolute force - Explosive force —- Accelerate —- Absolute speed
Exercises for strong, fast and explosive blows !!!
How do I increase my explosiveness?
Do I have to lift small weights very quickly and for many repetitions?
Is it enough to throw fast punches in the air?
If I do shadowboxing holding dumbbells will it help me in the speed of my beats?
How to increase the strength of your fist !!!
Is it possible to increase the strength of one's fist with exercises or is it a basically physical ability? Yes. It is possible to increase the strength of the fist with exercises. But let's look at the picture a little more generally.
How not to get tired during a boxing match
Every boxer who has entered the ring for a friendly or official fight knows the feeling of fatigue. Breathing is heavy, the feet seem to be stuck in cement and throwing punches seems impossible. Once you get to this point, you think the best thing to do is to walk away from the opponent until the round is over.
Boxing techniques and tricks
In order for a professional boxer to cope with the requirements of a 12-minute fight successfully, in addition to the general characteristics of the sport (such as endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, timing, etc.) which must be at a very high level, he develops and his own techniques or little tricks.
Boxing: The most difficult sport in the world !!!
Boxing or otherwise the "Sweet Science". The sport that demands the most from its athletes according to ESPN. It is more difficult than American football, baseball, basketball, hockey, football, cycling, skiing, fishing, billiards or any of the 60 sports evaluated.
Rope for boxers !!! (VIDEO)
Entering any boxing gym you will hear some familiar sounds. The blows of boxers playing sack. The rhythmic sound coming out of the speed bag. A bell that rings every few minutes, indicating the beginning and end of a new round and the school teacher shouting "time".
How important is leg strength in boxing?
Proper training can make the difference between your first amateur victory and your first amateur concussion. Successful boxers pay close attention to the strength of their legs. Strong legs not only help in strong blows, but also in the movement of your legs and your endurance for several rounds in the ring.
Boxing & weights after training
Boxing training has undergone some significant changes over the years. Before the 1980s, many coaches refused to let their boxers lift weights to become stronger, fearing that the fighters' fists would slow down due to their heavy muscle mass. Now, however, boxers need to focus on speed and technique, and building the strength of weightlifting is just one aspect of preparation.
Skills in performance in Boxing !!!
Many times we use definitions, expressions to describe complex efforts of athletes in order to achieve their goal such as abilities, skills, talent, dynamics, etc. Each of these words also represents a part or a whole within this endeavor. For example, we say for a weightlifter or a distance runner that they have skills. But what does ability mean?
Myths & Reality about the sport of Boxing
Myth: Boxing like other contact sports is only suitable for people with high physical strength and excessive physical skills.
Reality: Body roma and disintegration certainly have their share but training and maximizing performance is not just seen in them. The complexity of the movement, the methodology, the strategy, the technical skill together with the overall parameters of the physical condition makes the fighting sports multidimensional. One can contrast many different talents (talents) against brute strength and physique.
Three exercises to increase the strength of your fist! (VIDEO)
This video shows three exercises and three variations you can do to improve your explosiveness through high-intensity interval training and other exercises.
Common mistakes of novice boxers. (VIDEO)
Starting boxing is not easy or very enjoyable. It usually lands the novice athlete, from the boxing movies (with a lot of action in the gym and the ring) to the mirror of the school of their choice.
Body Punch - Liver Shot
The blow to the liver is done with a fist, a kick, or a blow to the knee on the right side of the chest. Such a blow to the liver can be excruciatingly painful and particularly effective in putting the opponent out of action. So in martial arts, hitting the liver often leads to technical knockouts (TKOs).
Gennady Golovkin - The Lost Boxing Technique
Shifting was a basic technique of the older English boxing system. Based on very fast movement, when applied with good timing and the right distance, it allows maximum impact power to be generated during an attack on a retreating opponent.
What are the benefits of training with boxing shoes?
Buying equipment every time you are involved in a new sport has a high cost. So some postpone buying some of it, such as boxing shoes until they make sure they like the sport. But they do not know that wearing boxing shoes in training can help a lot in walking, which is an important part of boxing.
The History of Olympic Boxing. (VIDEO)
Watch a video dedicated to the history of Olympic boxing and see the greatest boxers who have gone through the Olympic ring such as Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Theofilo Stevenson, Lennox Lewis and others.
Cuban Boxing!
“Προκειμένου να γίνεις αθλητής θα πρέπει να έχεις πειθαρχία, να είσαι ειλικρινής και να έχεις ακεραιότητα. Αυτό πρέπει να μάθουν οι νέοι άνθρωποι”. Είναι οι συμβουλές που δίνει στους νέους αθλητές της Κούβας ο υπεραθλητής με τα τρία χρυσά ολυμπιακά μετάλλια Felix Savon(14.30′).
The best boxing matches - boxing videos
Greatness of soul and reserves of power superhuman. A storm of blows, from titanic boxers, that never fall, that never crosses their minds to leave the fight, where no mortal would endure.
The demigods in the ring who gave unforgettable legendary battles
Boxing in MMA
Fighting sports exist almost as much as civilization itself. In the ancient Olympic Games in Greece, boxing, wrestling and pancratium, was a spiritual ancestor of mixed martial arts. Many of her skills and characteristics, boxing, wrestling and mixed martial arts, or MMA, are transferable.
Kick Boxing or Boxing
A common question in martial arts circles is what style is superior in a street race. In many cases, it is a "apples or oranges" controversy, such as a comparison between ground martial arts, such as the fight against upright art such as karate. Kick boxing and boxing are similar so the comparison between them makes more sense than others.
What are the rules for sizes (oz.) In Boxing Gloves?
Boxing gloves come in a variety of sizes and are usually calculated in ounces (oz) which is the unit of mass measurement in the UK. In both the amateur and professional classes of the sport, the general rules determine the size of gloves that each competitor must wear during the race. These rules require a boxer to wear gloves that correspond to his weight class.
Why are Cubans the best amateur boxers?
Cubans are by far the second best Russian athletes in amateur boxing. Why is this happening; Is it the body type of the Cuban race, their very good coaches or is it motivated by a strong motivation?
The Basic Rules of Boxing
There are several ways to win a boxing match such as when a boxer is knocked down or knocked out by an opponent. The boxer may be disqualified for violating the rule (s), or an injury that may force him to withdraw from the match.
The boxer is characterized by his discipline ...
Boxing is probably one of the most difficult sports. A boxer needs to possess speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and acumen. The body of a boxer should be able to withstand the blows of the opponent and should be able to recharge his lost energy within a few seconds.
Boxing Training
Boxing is different from other sports in that the actual competition is very limited and most of the athlete's time is spent on training. The goal for the boxer must be in excellent physical condition when it comes time to compete.
About Boxing
boxing κοινώς μποξ ή μπόξινγκ (αγγλ. boxingis one of the most popular martial arts and martial arts, based on the ability of opponents (which are always two) to oppose each other only with their fists and to manage, with accurate and strong blows, to take each of their opponents out of battle