In my last article on match analysis «Mayweather Vs McGregor», I had written that this particular race has nothing to offer us in sports knowledge, but a lot in spectacle and somehow it was like that in the end. But when I gave the subtitle "What else will we hear?" I did not expect what would follow.


So, starting from the end of the previous article, so that there is a continuation of logical thinking (not just a reflection of so-called, which we have seen playing very online in recent days), we can safely say that what we saw was the situation in which is Mayweather and not how good a boxer McGregor is. All the individual characteristics that were used as arguments, according to which Conor could emerge victorious in this battle, can now only be used as reasons (along with many more that emerged later) for which he endured up to the 10th round.

  •  Conor McGregor

McGregor is a great MMA athlete, not a boxer.

This was seen throughout the race, even in the first round, strange as it may seem to those who do not know Boxing.

To be considered a boxer you have to be able to cope with all the points of the game, to develop a game with tactic (which is probably the number one element that characterizes boxers), to have competitive duration and discipline, to do proper weight loss (no, it does not matter how huge you will be!), to be able to do all the rounds cardiovascularly, to have the special strength που απαιτείται, να τηρήσεις τους κανόνες,  κ.λπ.
In all of this he got under the base plus that he showed complete ignorance of close combat.

Also, the lack of a serious boxing coaching team was evident and showed the arrogant way he faced the match. The statements he made later in the locker room, about Floyd's tactics that surprised him, clearly revealed his amateurish view of boxing. All of this emerged from a single fight with a single boxer. In the event of another match with a different style opponent, so many more would be revealed. It is not derogatory, it just makes sense.

The figthting stance changes, angles etc. they only confused him and it was utterly naive to believe that these were elements he would bring to boxing. Roy Jones Jr. put his hands behind his back and not even three meters away from the opponent. Fighting stance changes does Gennady Golovkin and is really dangerous with both  Attacks from different angles does Vasyl Lomachenko. They are considered successful only when the opponent does not notice the move you make and remains static, otherwise it is another attack in a straight line.

Nevertheless, he stood with dignity, despite his zero experience. The very good timing and the vigor, which he always displays, can be counted in his positives.

Only a winner of the match can gain experience that will be useful to him in his UFC career. However, he wants a lot of work to be considered a high level boxer. It could, however, be done, as it has many positive elements, but not new to boxing, as it was called, but borrowed from it.

  • Floyd Mayweather Jr.

The image he gave me from the moment he entered, was as if he had just gotten up from the armchair of his house, took off his slippers to put on his boxing shoes and doing the biggest chore he has ever done in his life (due to of high financial motivation) and went up in the ring sighing for the last time.

Yes, he is 41 years old, out of shape, comparatively small, with a lack of mental motivation and generally full as long as he does not go for an athlete, but he would never risk losing such a game. In fact, he won it in the safest way he could and he led the opponent to expose all the weaknesses he knew he had from the beginning. This was seen by most by the end of the third round and few recognized by the first.

Another thing to consider is that in boxing there are athletes who do not easily do KO and one of them is Floyd (last KO Ricky Hatton 2007) and basically has to play a competitive game since 2015 with Manny Pacquiao.

At the same time, however, this athlete can be one of the best boxers of all time. This is because this sport is made up of so many subtle subtle, sophisticated and rare features that every boxer looks like the result of a complex recipe, which changes with the fluctuations of the doses of the elements that make it up.

  •  Mayweather Vs McGregor

In fact, there was never a dilemma. We knew the result from the beginning, we just did not know the way, because there was the unbalanced factor of managing his abstention Mayweather. Length, height, weight, age, shaping, etc. of Conor, worked really well and so lasted until the 10th round of the race. As well as Floyd's age, deformity and lack of competitive motivation. For all the rest that will be said, I will remind you of the basketball attack two decades ago by Efthymis Kioumourtzoglou that "statistics are the best way to lie".

Quiz for strong solvers: Αφού ο McGregor χτυπάει τόσο δυνατά και κατόρθωσε να προσγειώσει 111 γροθιές, γιατί ο Mayweather δεν έπεσε ή έστω δε ζαλίστηκε;


P.S.1 It's funny to say that the difference in fitness counted. The difference in management made it look like this. At a time when one was struggling to cope, the other was enjoying the game like a mere strong sparring.

P.S.2 I fell out a lot when I said that the hugs (clinch) would not help Conor in the race, as he used them very successfully to gnaw the laps until the 10th.




Vassilis Oikonomou

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