Psychological preparation helps the Boxer reduce high levels of stress and allow him to avoid cerebral overstimulation (many and unmanageable thoughts) that will affect his performance in the fight. A boxer with poor psychological preparation will not perform to his full potential. So his psychological preparation should start long before his fight.


The motivation of the boxer 2/2

Help develop self-esteem

  • Adjust the training workload according to the individual boxing skills
  • Gradually increase the difficulty of the training exercises
  • Support the boxer more in his failures
  • Teach the athlete to use his defeats as motivation to increase his effort
  • Teach him / her how to accept defeat with dignity
  • Do not abandon an athlete who loses the fight. The boxer can learn from defeats and gain experience through them.
  • Try to include his family, friends, etc. in the training process and a parent to help motivate the athlete.


Psychological preparation before the boxing match 

Motivate the boxer by letting him know his progress, both in training and in the fight

  • Design and shape your workout to be enjoyable
  • Help the boxer understand the importance of success: "Victory is not everything"
  • Give continuous encouragement
  • Emphasize fair play
  • Teach the rules to the boxer, so that if a problem arises, he can solve it on his own (and increase his self-confidence)
  • The boxer must have mutual trust - respect, confidence - and cooperation with his coach


Psychological preparation for the fight 

Κάντε τον πυγμάχο να έχει επίγνωση και να εξοικειωθεί με την ατμόσφαιρα του αγώνα, για παράδειγμα τον φωτισμό, το κοινό, τους αντιπάλους κ.α.

  • Let the boxer learn to deal with any unexpected situation in the fight environment - prepare a boxer with "What if ...?" in training and sparring
  • "What if" the boxer pleases the audience
  • "What if" the boxer has to face a strong opponent in the next fight
  • After the fight, organize a psychological recovery session
  • Active rest
  • Spa, sauna
  • Short period out of training