There is a lot of talk lately about whether a Master should accept and teach people that he considers extreme and therefore dangerous for our society. But in order to answer this, not impulsively but substantially, we must first clarify some things. What are the benefits of teaching martial arts and combat sports?What is the role of the Teacher and what are the elements that must be passed on to the student in order to shape his character?
Most easily answer for the elements of ethics, principles, values and fair play that characterizes the people of our space. But really, do we know exactly what all these words mean or are they just big words in our mouths? I have started to come to the second one but let's take it all in order so that we can get some edge.
Ethics is a code of principles and values of members of society, determines its behavior and may have differences depending on its particularities (geographical, political, etc.). In order not to go into too much detail, he tells us what is "good" and what is "bad". Man learns these rules from a very early age from the family, the school and of course within our schools. But why is this transmission of moral principles overemphasized in Martial arts?The answer is simply because in this space no one can hide behind their finger. The development of an athlete is directly related to his own management in the pros and cons he has and he is fully responsible for the successes and failures that accompany him. In short, a miniature of life in a few years of sports with many messages and lessons.
Teachers, as people who influence students of all ages, are a role model for them. They set the example for the observance of the values they teach to an absolute degree and without discounts depending on the occasion (because that is where things start to rot). They convey that the violence that everyone has inside us is limited in the ring and transformed into creative energy, training every child or adult to tame the reactionary movements and anger that always characterize weak and frightened people.This creates personalities that are determined by what they are and not by what they oppose (thus forming the other side of the same coin).
Anyone who crosses the threshold of teaching spaces should leave out any ideological political or fan beliefs. This, however, starts with the coach himself who should not build his school with "company" conditions where the students will fit in perfectly with him. He must have his doors wide open to everyone, especially to those whom he distinguishes (yes, discrimination is a virtue!) As more "fearful" and put all his energy to convey his principles in the best way.
The Teacher, therefore, as a teacher (the one who leads with a beneficial effect on the mental and spiritual development of young people) has the task and not the choice to work with all students extreme and not. It does not seek to turn them all into a moderately similar group, but to free people who choose not for fear of the opposite (political or other beliefs) but with certainty about the principles, values and ethics that characterize their choices.
Not only do we have an obligation to train extreme people, but we need them in our schools and in society at large. Extremely creative and not destructive!
Vassilis Oikonomou