Psychological preparation helps the Boxer reduce high levels of stress and allow him to avoid cerebral overstimulation (many and unmanageable thoughts) that will affect his performance in the fight. A boxer with poor psychological preparation will not perform to his full potential. So his psychological preparation should start long before his fight.
Methods of psychological recovery
- Sleep
- Active rest (light training in different sports)
- Rest
- Sports Massage, acupuncture
- Hydrotherapy (Sauna, swimming pool, spa etc)
- Liquids and electrolytes
- Relaxation techniques (Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga)
- Report discussion with the coach
Use positive keywords
- Use motivational words / statements with a specific purpose, to gain / regain control (emotions, mood, struggle) and to concentrate or have confidence
- Recovery from negative thoughts
- Keywords for concentration / focus
- Repetition of words verbally or mentally (you can also create vision lists)
Vision (self-image)
- Proper conditions to avoid splits
- A relaxed mind but in alertness and concentration is required
- Limit the volume, learn to work under pressure
- Turn stress into positive energy
- Train in fight conditions
- Find what you need to relax
- Different techniques for different people
- Use mental images to correct performance in performing exercises
The psychology of sports
Make the psychological preparation of the boxer part of his overall preparation.