How to develop speed and explosiveness in martial arts and martial arts. Part 2 How to Get Explosive and Fast Legs.
In the first part of this article we saw that in order to develop one's explosiveness one needs to develop in order:
Absolute force - Explosive force —- Accelerate —- Absolute speed
Let us remember how you define each of the above parameters and how it develops, using the example of the fist in particular.
Absolute strength is measured by how much load you can lift for just one repetition. So if you lift 100 kg for a repetition in bench presses, this is a clear indication of your absolute strength. If you manage to lift 120 kg for one repetition it means that you have increased your absolute strength.
How absolute power develops:
Measure the load you lift for a single repetition, take 80-90% of this load and do multiple sets of 1 to 5 repetitions.
So in the above example if your maximum load on the bench presses is 100 kg then choose to put 90 kg on the bar and do 5 sets of 2-3 repetitions.
The breaks between sets should be 3 to 5 minutes. This is a typical program for increasing absolute strength.
Explosive power
is how fast you can accelerate a load that is 70% to 80% of the maximum. So in the above example you could put 75 kg on the bar and try to accelerate with maximum speed in each repetition. You should not get exhausted in your sets when training for explosive power. Although with 75 kg (75% of the maximum load in our example) you can do about 10 repetitions you perform multiple sets of 3 to 5 repetitions, trying to accelerate as much as you can in each repetition. What is needed is explosion and speed, not exhaustion.
If your body weight is close to 70% to 80% of the maximum load then you can do explosive push ups (Push ups where the whole body leaves the ground in each repetition) instead of bench presses. It is a much better choice as now the whole body leaves the ground and there is no need to slow down the movement at the end to hold the bar, as in bench presses.
Here, too, do not get exhausted and keep the breaks long, at 3 to 5 minutes.
Acceleration develops when you try to accelerate relatively small loads as fast as you can. A typical example is when you exercise with heavy balls (medicine balls). The weight of medicine balls is usually 3 to 5 kg.
A typical program is to get a medicine ball of 3 e.g. kilos and throw it as hard as you can with both hands as if giving a pass.
perform 3 to 5 sets of 8 repetitions (flights). Rest for at least 3 minutes between sets.
Net speed
This is the area where most athletes develop during their training. It usually develops when you drop continuous punches at maximum speed like a machine gun either without any resistance or holding weights that do not exceed half a kilo.
Perform a set with light weights throwing e.g. 20 punches at maximum speed. Immediately lower the dumbbells and perform another set of 20 punches at maximum speed. This way you train your muscles and nervous system to develop speed.
In almost all schools and gyms, athletes train at speeds quite often.
In general, however, the athlete could benefit incredibly and see spectacular results if he returned to the beginning and trained a few days a week at maximum strength.
This will not only help him in speed but will give him a very "heavy" fist, what the Americans call Knock out Power. That is, the ability to develop such power that it can cause real damage to the opponent and throw him with one blow.
This ability is very important for professional athletes where Knock out counts. On the contrary, on an amateur level, the ability to have very fast hands, without necessarily having much power in the blow, is more important as this is where the points that the athlete gets for each successful hit count and the strength of the blow comes second.
Maximum strength increases dramatically at first especially if you have not cultivated it.
A useful tip for martial arts athletes.
Always compare the maximum load with the athlete's body weight and make sure you do not exceed a limit. In the example above, be sure to work the maximum force on the bench presses until the athlete can lift 1.5 times his weight for one repetition. This means that for an athlete with a body weight of 80 kg it is more than enough to be able to do 120 kg on the bench for one repetition. It is not useful to exceed this limit. You will not get any more benefits. You will also find that it is quite difficult to climb even more unless you first gain significant muscle mass and therefore weight.
Note 1: Bench presses in the example above are not the only exercises you can use to strengthen the muscles involved in the punch. All exercises that push the load and especially those that push the load over the head (eg shoulder presses) are suitable to strengthen these muscles. In fact, load pressures over the head (shoulder pressures) and push ups are better exercises than bench presses. At bench presses hold the middle or closed handle.Generally avoid the very open handle as it causes a problem in the front deltoid which is already strained when boxing. It also reduces the elasticity of your chest muscles if you do not do the necessary stretching. On the contrary, the pressures over the head and especially those made with drums, develop the triceps and shoulders in such a way that it does not affect the elasticity of the athlete.
Note 2: How to design your program to work out the above parameters is a personal matter and depends on many factors. Other coaches choose the linear programming model. They develop the maximum force for a period of time then develop the explosive force, then the accelerator and finally the net speed.
This model works if you have the time and the mood to follow it but in general it is now obsolete. Most coaches train the above parameters in the same week, dedicating to them different days or even the same day in the same program.
In general, how to organize the training program is a complex issue and can not be covered in this article.
Note 3: In addition to the muscles involved in the fist (pushing muscles) it is necessary to exercise the opposite muscles (pulling muscles, biceps, back, etc.) in the same way and with the same loads. Be aware that reflexively the brain commands the body to cut the force of the fist in case it feels that the muscles that are holding back the movement are not strong enough to hold it. It is therefore very important to develop the muscles of the back, posterior deltoids and tables as well as the biceps. Exercises such as unicycle and rowing are very important.You need to have balance in terms of the strength of all the muscles around the shoulder area. this way you will avoid injuries and hit harder. It is no coincidence that the boxers with the strongest fists had very bent biceps and backs. Take a look at Mike Taison to find out.
Note 4: Do not neglect stretching and generally flexing your muscles. To develop speed you need to be relaxed. The more relaxed the faster.
Note 5: You must have a very strong torso and waist. Be sure to strengthen them especially when it comes to rotation. The rotation of the waist plays a vital role in the force of the blows.
Note 6: Remember that technique and timing are the most important factors to hit effectively.
The punch starts from the Feet. It is important to have strong legs and especially strong buttocks. The great MMA athlete, Quinton Jackson was measured by a special laboratory and it was found that his fist was close to one ton in strength. When the scientists asked him how he manages to throw such a strong blow, he replied "I put my buttocks behind" meaning that he supports the kick and the buttocks. Work with exercises such as deep seats and projections.
Projections are a very important exercise because it develops the leg muscles exactly in the position that the body takes during the throwing of the fist.
It should be noted that the same training method as the one described above is used for the legs. Develop maximum power, explosive power and agility in the same way.
In all martial arts, even in Boxing in which you do not use kicks you must have explosive legs to move fast.
In the next article we will see with which exercises and methods we develop explosive legs and increase the strength and speed of the kick.
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